Head Radical Oversize Tennis Racket Custom Paint

#Head Radical Tennis Racket Custom Painting Completed Photograph
#Head Radical Tennis Racket Custom Painting Completed Photograph

Hello, this is RepariNamja, a tennis racket custom painting specialist.

The racket that I worked on this time,

Head tennis racket micro gel oversize.

The head redial racket was used more than 10 years ago.
Data figures show that it weighs more than the previous iREDIAL, and swing weights differ by 30 grams, but the feeling of play is rather easier.

Shock absorption has also improved significantly from eye redial, and the sense of hitting has been smoother, perhaps due to the liquid metal material.

It is a fine difference, but it goes down to three points from the four-point headlight, and I think the ball is more powerful.
It may be because of the string difference, but the bouncing elasticity and stability are clearly superior to that of the eye Ready.

MicroGel technology is a combination of low-density materials called head microgels and is made of hard, strong carbon composite fibers.

The term “honorary crown” does not apply at all, but it is a brotherhood that is far more born than his brother.

It distributes the impact of the racket evenly across all the rackets when it collides with the ball, easing pressure on the elbow while creating an even and outstanding feeling.

This racket is oversized, but it is recommended for young players of NTRP 4.0 and higher.



Before painting the head redial tennis racket custom

You sent me two head redial tennis rackets.

Even though it was an old racket, it looked pretty good as if it was rarely used

I measured the weight of the tennis racket before painting it.

One is 279 grams and the other is 284 grams. There is a big difference in weight between the two.



Painting head redial tennis racket custom.

First, I weighed two tennis rackets equally with sanding.

I painted the surfacer and measured the weight. The weight increases by about 3 grams and the weight is the same.

Done painting the head redial tennis racket custom

The final weight after the tennis racket custom painting is completed.

One heavy racket came out 1 gram heavier.

But you wouldn’t know this difference.^^



The whole matte white base is highlighted with an glow color inside the head.

There is a racket specification inside the Y-neck, and they asked me to leave that part, so I saved it.

I put a “HEAD” logo on one side of the neck.

All white was a bit monotonous, but inside the top frame, it has a unique yellow accent.
The specifications are alive inside the neck, making it more like a traditional racket.

Head MicroGel Radical Oversize Tennis Racquets Custom

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